For years, the validity of security on the internet has been a topic of fearsome conversation. From some people feeling like the web is being cracked down on and losing its appeal to those who think it’s a representation of a lawless society, opinions are very much varied on the topic.
When it comes to keeping a website secure, however, it’s vital that we understand how Google views security. According to the recent report from RankRanger, it’s something that the search engine takes very seriously indeed – how do we know this?
For one, the RankRanger report found that Google is providing preference to HTTPS URLs. These are secured sites that come with a safety certificate, meaning that the information held on-site – such as private details and payments – are secure from prying eyes. Naturally, that’s very important to consumers: how likely are you to buy from a site that does not use an HTTPS certificate? Not very likely.
People want trust, and it’s hard to trust a site that comes with a Not Secure look. This makes it pretty damn hard to use a site if you want to keep your details secure!
HTTPS: The Way to Go?
Ever since HTTPS came into being, it has slowly but surely being improved and is therefore changing all the time. The continuous update and improvement of the software has become a constant, and it plays a major role in how we perceive a website and its quality.
Per the RankRanger report linked above, over 70% of the listings on Google’ page one search results are now HTTPS. So, the results are quite clear: you can do all the SEO in the world, but without a security system you are more or less stuck in place as to where you can actually go with your site.
If you want to get ahead of the SEO algorithms and make sure you have higher chance to rank on page one, time is needed. Put in the time and the effort to create high-quality content, relevant and related links, and you can benefit from a much higher organic search ranking with the help of migrating to HTTPS as well.
Source: Search Engine Roundtable
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